The Cathedral in Comayagua where a bunch of Peace Corps volunteers stood around and looked lost.

The oldest clock in the Americas located in the tower of the Cathedral

Bags of colored sawdust in preparation for the big day

For some of the bigger alfombras, the process started around 10pm on Holy Thursday and lasted until the carpets were destroyed by the procession on Good Friday. Here they´re laying a foundation of plain sawdust before starting the layers of colored sawdust.

Here´s an example of an alfombra up close. Each group had their own technique for making their sawdust smooth, but to do the designes, everyone used homemade stencils made of cardboard. Some families have been making alfombras for decades and make a different one each year.

One of the smaller alfombras about the cultural aspects of Comayagua

This is a good example of the scale of many of the larger alfombras

Although traditionally the alfombras are made of sawdust, some include rice, dried beans, grains, leaves, pine needles, and whatever else the designers think up

Here is the full scale example of the one using non-traditional materials

A great deal of planning has to go into the process since those making them have to start in the middle and work their way out.

After the procession
Hola Emily and Dan,
It is always a pleasure to read about your adventures down south! The pics and personal stories are always so fascinating!!! Each and every blog is, in itself, a story worthy of publication :)
Beautiful spring weather has finally made its appearance around here, at least temporarily.It has been clear, sunny and warm 75-80+ the last 5 days or so. We took advantage and worked like crazy in our yard. All is green and the flowers are in bloom, so we are thoroughly content after our long winter.
We plan on heading down to the beach tomorrow. We'll take good reading materials and movies in case the weather turns, but hope to get plenty of long walks along the shore whenever we can.
All is well with our side of the family. We celebrated Tom's dad's 90th in Feb. His ol' heart has been giving him some trouble as of late, so he'll go in for a "stent" procedure May 4th to open up some of his collapsed arteries for better blood flow. He is such a trooper, we are blessed to continue to celebrate him in our lives!
The banking business is strong and I continue my MK sales with much appreciation :) Ryan just turned 20 and is preparing to finish up spring term and working at Nike. They laid off 7 employees last month at his store, but by the grace of God, he was one they chose to keep on! He'll stay on through the summer and pick up a class or 2 since he has a yr. lease and is not willing to let his awesome apt. go with a sub-let.
Chelsea is working hard on all the requirements this Jr. yr. She just took her ACT's yesterday, had her "mock interviews" and is prepping for the SAT's coming up in May. She continues to dance, but we've decided no more travels to "major" competitions, but will keep closer to home for local comps. We will travel to Seattle for one such competition over her b-day wknd. in May. She'll be 17 on the 17th this year, her "golden" b-day, as they say, so she's jazzed about that. No boyfriends on the horizon and since Ryan and Lizzy broke up, all is pretty quiet on the romantic stage.
We are so excited for you mom and dad's trip to visit you in a couple of weeks! I'm sure they'll come back with great stories to share. Enjoy their time with you. We miss you terribly, but know how important your Peace Corps experiences are for all the people, whose lives you touch, in Honduras!
Take care and we'll check in again soon :)
Love you,
Aunt Mo and Uncle Tom
Dan and Emily, I saw your folks at the Spelunker yesterday and Mary suggested I look at the wonderful pics your snapped of the sawdust
carpets. OHMIGOSH! are they ever gorgeous. What apity to destroy such beauty
when its over but then I guess its just like the Sancastles here.
Your adventures with the corps sound exciting and rewarding and I
only hope the troubled political climnate doesnt interrupt your worthwhile endeavors.
You will be here for a day soon, your mom said. With luck, perhaps we can stop by sau Howdy!
Keep up the good work. Susie ( of Susie and Dve from CB)
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